This application does not collect or store any personal user data. The only data that this application processes are the data directly related to the video uploaded on YouTube. These include the video metadata (such as title, description, and tags) and the access/refresh token for the YouTube API. All these data are only used to upload the video on YouTube and are not stored or processed for any other purposes.
Our application needs access to your YouTube account to upload videos on your behalf. We require this permission to perform the main function of our app, which is uploading videos. Your access and refresh tokens are used exclusively for this purpose and are not shared or used for any other purposes at any time. The security of your data is important to us, and we take all necessary measures to protect your data and comply with Google’s privacy regulations.
Since the application uses the Google API to upload the videos, all data associated with the uploaded videos are subject to Google’s privacy policies.
Our app strictly adheres to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the requirements for limited data use. The use and transfer of information received from Google APIs by our application to any other application adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. Further information about the Google API Services User Data Policy can be found here.
We only use your data to extend the functionality of our app and do not pass it on to third parties.