001 Poems and Storys

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!!! AI Translation from German !!! Hey ho, that’s what I say to you,
thus I speak now from here,
this one love poem,
which always breaks again in love.

So let us together recognize in this song,
this heavenly sound,
it carries us away to a quiet place.
Yes, this place, so still and clear,
the calm has always been true there.

For the silence itself is what,
contains the truth.
It brought us together in a beautiful sound.
So let us now see and go together,
this beautiful path of time in love and in eternity.

And let us look together and delight in it,
for what was once recognized,
now banishes us together.
So it is this word,
which now speaks of this wonderful place.

The one that speaks deep within us,
is much more than just this beautiful poem.
So let us now see together
and go this path together.

And not just go as two,
so that time unites us.
With everything and in the here and now
we have connected.

This net so beautiful and large,
yes, that’s how it should be,
was ultimately just being.
So still and clear, yes, it was wonderful.
Recognizing it in the here and now
has deeply connected us.

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